Sunday, September 14, 2008

No, We're Still Here...

If you were asking yourself, "what happened to Abe, Nicole, and the boys," well you're not the only one. I've been asking myself the same thing! I can't belive it's the middle of September already! But I'm glad. The weather here in Fresno is FINALLY starting to cool down. And by cool down, I mean mid-90s. But it's a huge difference! And it gets cool in the eveings--like 75. Anyhow, the seasons are changing and I'm loving it.

We've had some issues recently with the internet, and then my laptop just up and died. So that kind of explains why it's been awhile since we last posted. But everything is working again (knock on wood!), and I've finally found some time to sit and do this.

We took a trip to Utah in August, and got to see most of our family and friends. It was a busy trip--too many things we wanted to do and not enough time. Oh, well. What can you do? The second weekend we were there, we got to go camping with my (Nicole's) family. It was great to be up there and spend time with everyone. And the kids LOVED it!

1 comment:

Chris and Tara said...

That's a cute picture of the boys at the top.